Manos Arvanitakis has studied still photography in Leica Academy – Athens. He has attended film-making seminars in Czech Republic (FAMU Academy) and in Italy during the Cinema Da Mare festival. He has participated in Master Classes with Theo Angelopoulos and a workshop at the Greek National Theatre on “Technology in the Theatre” in the programme “Tales from the
Bar of Lost Souls.“
He has made short films, video art, performances and installations with participation and distinctions in Greek and international film festivals. The 2010 short film “Sea Happens” after winning the first prize in “48 Hour Film Project”, participated in Cannes Film Festival as part of the Short Film Corner, with very good reviews and invitations to international festivals.
Since 2001 he is working as a director, camera operator and assistant director alongside famous Greek directors.
He has experience in practising with new media (projection mapping) as well as video projection in theatre and commercial events using emerging technologies. He has participated in many theatrical, dance, music and performance works in Athens and Epidaurus Festival, Onassis Cultural Centre, Odeon of Herodes Atticus (Herodium) and many others.Nowadays, after the completion of his last short film “Each Breath” he is working on the script of his first feature film which is co-produced and co-funded from the Greek Film Center.
Chekhov’s Gun
Κουδουνάτοι & Τραγόμορφοι
Sea Happens
.το κορίτσι
2+1 Story

Nikos Vlasopoulos was born in Athens, Greece. He studied direction of photography at the Chatzikou Art School, Athens, Greece. He has worked in film, television and advertising productions and has received a number of honors and awards.
Since 2000, he has been designing the lighting for ancient drama performances, as well as for contemporary Greek and world repertory theater and dance for the Ancient Theatre in Epidaurus, The Odeon of Herodes Atticus, The Greek National Theater, The Onassis Cultural Center, The State Theater of Northern Greece, The Athens Concert Hall, The Greek Art Theater Karolos Koun, The Athens Festival, etc.
With his work, Nikos has traveled to various theatrical spaces across Europe. Among others he has been to Theatre de la Ville/Paris, Theatre Saint- Gervais/ Geneva, The Place/ London, Biennale de la dance/Lyon, Hellerau/ Dresden, NRW Tanzhaus/ Dusseldorf, CND/ Paris, Hivernalles/ Avignon, etc.

Candy Karra is a dance performer. She has collaborated with dance companies and choreographers like Androniki Marathaki, Margarita Trikka, Artemis Lampiri, Konstantinos Rigos for OKTANA dancetheater, Fotis Nikolaou, Jérôme Bel, Cie. Willi Dorner, David Dorfman Dance, Quasi Stellar of Apostolia Papadamaki, Still Pilgrim Paradox of Stella Fotiadi, Natasa Zouka, Aliki Kazouri and others. She has performed in various festivals in Athens and abroad like Athens & Epidaurus Festival, Kalamata International Dance Festival, Dancing Athens Festival of Onassis Cultural Center, Metamorphosis and Nostos Summer Festival of Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Arc For Dance Festival, In Progress festival at KINITIRAS residency center, MIR festival, Akropoditi DanceFest, DIMITRIA festival, Athens Video Dance Project festival, Kypria International Festival, Folkwang Physical Theater Festival at Essen – Germany, pad – Performance Art Depot at Mainz – Germany, MASDANZA at Mas Palomas and Tenerife – Canary Islands, Figueres es Mou – Spain, Battery Dance Festival – New York and others. She regularly teaches contemporary dance and improvisation. She co-choreographed and performed the piece “manoeuvre_”.

Chara Kotsali is a dance artist based in Athens. She graduated from the “Rallou Manou” Professional School of Dance and holds a BA in Theatre Studies from at the National University of Athens. At the moment is studying at the Post Graduate Studies of Panteion University, in “ Cultural and Social Anthropology , and has also followed the Professional Drums Course at the Μοdern Music School.
As a performer, she has collaborated – among others – with Christos Papadopoulos, Euripides Laskaridis, Patricia Apergi, Simos Kakalas,Tzeni Argyriou, Sofia Paschou, Iris Karayan, Sofia Mavragani, Ermira Goro, Aliki Kazouri, Thomas Moschopoulos, Apostolia Papadamaki, Michalis Konstantatos, Medie Megas, Artemis Lampiri, Margarita Trikka, Vahid Evazzadeh, Angela Brouskou, Greek Dance Theater (Elliniko Horodrama), performing both in Greece and abroad. . She has taken part in the Aerowaves Network with the selected performances D.opa by Patricia Apergi, Mothers by Iris Karayan, Elvedon by Christos Papadopoulos and Speechless by Sofia Mavragani .She performed in the solo piece ‘ Legacy ‘ and the duet ‘Time to mourn’ choreographed by Iris Karagian, that both recieved the award Jarmika Jerabkova in Prague.She was casted for the film “Suntan” by Argyris Papadimitropoulos.
She co-choreographed the piece “manoeuvre” that was selected to premiere in the Young Choreographers’ Festival in Onassis Foundation and has choreographed theater performances directed by Thanos Papakonstantinou (in the Ancient Theater of Epidaurus,a.o.), Thomas Moschopoulos, Ektoras Lygizos, Akilas Karazisis, Argiris Xafis, Anestis Azas, Sylvia Liouliou, Haris Fragoulis, Dimitris Xanthopoulos, etc. for venues such as the Ancient Theatre of Epidaurus, The National Theatre, National Opera, Onassis Foundation, Athens Festival etc. She has worked as an assistant choreographer for Patricia Apergi and Christos Papadopoulos.
She teaches contemporary dance technique in the “Rallou Manou” and “Anna Petrova – Maro Marmarinou” professional dance schools. She was an assistant to Patricia Apergi, in movement workshops for people 65+ yrs at the Onassis Cultural Centre. Form 2016-2020, she led a dance workshop taking place in the Female Prison of Elaiona, Thiva, in the framework of the Greek National Opera’s educational programs.

Paraskevi Lypimenou is a theatrologist
Worked as Assistant Director/ Choreographer: for Efi Theodorou, Martha Bouzouri, Kitty Paitazoglou, Rafika Chawishe, Eleana Stravodimou, Margarita Trikka & Irene Fanarioti. For Anestis Azas, Konstantinos Arvanitakis, Michalis Argyrou, Vassilis Koukalani, Euripides Laskaridis, Aris Laskos & George Paloumbi.
She has participated in the performances directed by: Anestis Azas, George Doulos, Olia Lazaridou, Theano Metaxa, Prodromou Tsinikori & Irene Fanarioti.
She was responsible for finding and organizing director’s Stathis Livathinos’ personal archive.

Grown up between Athens and Western Peloponnese, she studied theater at EMPROS Drama School, and Philosophy & History of Science at the University of Athens.
As a member of Prolet OCD dance co., she focuses on the dramaturgy of the pieces. In particular, she has worked with the choreographer Margarita Trikka at the pieces a Punch of Losers, Delenda est, and Trajectory-A Tragedy of a Victory. As a dramaturg she has also worked with Irene Fanarioti (La Folle Allure, Theater of New World) and in June 2019 she collaborated with Aspasia-Maria Alexiou at the dramaturgy of the Promenade Performance Routes on Roots #3. The latter was part of the Synikismos Festival of Eleusis – European Capital of Culture 2021.
She has been a member of Aerites Dance Company as an assistant choreographer of Patricia Apergi (Cementary, Planites ,Era poVera, The Manifest of the Other, dopa!) and has toured with the company in various dance festivals around the world. As an assistant director she has worked with Natassa Triantafilli (Brief History of Time/ Theatro Technis, Le Danaidi/ Little Theater of Ancient Epidaurus), Dimitris Xanthopoulos (Three Sisters/ Onassis Cultural Centre), Konstantin Bogomolov (Demons/ Onassis Cultural Centre), Georgia Mavragani (Suddenly Last Summer/ Athens Festival 2017), Thanos Papakonstantinou (Hamlet/ Michael Cacogyannis Foundation), etc.
As an actress she has worked with Aris Balis (Kronstand, Bios Main), Lefteris Giovanidis (Schumann/ National Theater), Costas Papakonstantinou (The Jumping Rope/ National Theater), Irene Fanarioti (Choephoroi/ Theater of New World, Monaksxá: a lonely planet/ Athens Festival 2016), Anna Tzakou (The Representation/ National Theater), Georgia Mavragani (Old Age, A Choral Ode/ National Theater), George Sachinis (Dourgouti Island Hotel), Christos Stergioglou (The Suppliants/ Athens Festival 2014), Alexandros Likouras (Written Traces/ Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation), Sakis Papakonstantinou (La Commune Grecque/ Athens Festival 2012), Theodor Economides (Katalogia/ Michael Cacoyannis Foundation, Sani Festival 2011), etc.
Apart from the above, she has participated in the films Matriarchy and Tuesday by Nick Cornilios, The Brides by Pantelis Voulgaris and Sea happens by Manos Arvanitakis, which won the 1st prize at the 48-hour Film Festival and was presented in the Short Film Corner of Cannes Film Festival 2010.

Konstantinos Papanikolaou is a graduate of the dance department at Paris XIII. Ηe has collaborated with Gerard & Kelly, Olivier Marguerit and he has taken part in the Biennale of Munich, Lyon, Birmingham as well as in the center of Pompidou, in Hellerau, in the Place, Mercat des Flors etc. In Greece he has collaborated with the choreographers Patricia Apergi, Mariela Nestora, Jenny Argyriou, Aria Boubaki and Stereo Nero, among others. In the theater he has worked as a choreographer with Argyris Pantazaras, Kirki Karali, Eleni Efthimiou, Lili Meleme, Lefteri Veniadis etc. In 2020 he choreographed and danced the solo Tonight and every night presented at the ARC FOR DANCE Festival.

Ο Δηµόκριτος Σηφάκης γεννήθηκε το 1984 στα Χανιά. Σπούδασε Νοσηλευτική στο ΑΤΕΙ Πάτρας και χορό στην επαγγελµατική σχολή της Εθνικής Λυρικής Σκηνής και την σχολή της Δέσποινας Γρηγοριάδου από όπου και αποφοίτησε.
Έχει συνεργαστεί µε τους Κατερίνα Ευαγγελατου, Αποστολια Παπαδαµακη, Chet Walker, Σοφια Σπυρατου, Τζενη Αργυριου, Ευη Σούλη, Μαργαρίτα Τρίκα, Ελπίδα Νίνου, Πέτρο Φιλιππιδη, Πατρισια Απέργη
(ΑΕΡΙΤΕΣ), και άλλους.
Ως χορευτής έχει συµµετάσχει σε διεθνή φεστιβάλ χορού (Aerowaves, Modul Dance Festival, Fool Moon Dance Festival, Kalamata International Festival, Biennale De La Danse, Lyon, φεστιβάλ Αθήνων και Επιδαυρου κ.α.) και έχει συµµετάσχει σε παραγωγές των: Εθνικό Θέατρο, Στέγη Γραµµάτων και Τεχνών Ιδρύµατος Ωνάση, Μέγαρο Μουσικής Αθηνών, The Place – London, Hellerau – Dresden, Centre National De La Danse – Paris κ.α.
Ως καθηγητής σύγχρονου χορού διδάσκει σε ερασιτεχνικές και επαγγελµατικες σχολές χορού, είναι ένας από τους καθηγητές του εκπαιδευτικού προγράµµατος Dancing to connect της Στέγης Γραµµάτων και Τεχνών που πραγµατοποιείται κάθε χρόνο σε δηµόσια σχολεία της χώρας και έχει δώσει σεµινάρια σύγχρονου χορού ως µέλος της οµάδας Αερίτες στο Dancehouse της Δρέσδης, στο Dancehouse του Δουβλίνου και στο Dancehouse του Μπέρµινχαµ. Απο το 2016 ειναι ειδικος καθηγητης και µελος της επιτροπής στις εισαγωγικες και διπλωµατικές εξετάσεις Ανώτερων Επαγγελµάτικων Σχολών του υπουργειου πολιτισµου.

Katerina Spyropoulou was born in 1983 and raised in Athens. She is a graduate of the Rallou Manou Professional Dance School. She is also a graduate of the Faculty of Theatre Studies and holds a Master’s degree in Museum Studies from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Moreover she has participated in numerous dance workshops here and abroad. Among others, she has co-operated with the dance groups of H. Antahopoulou, X-ANIMA, ‘Elliniko Chorodrama’ (M. Dramitsioti, A. Kazouri), ‘Roes’ (S. Spiratou), as well as with choreographers and directors such as A. Papadamaki, N. Vahla, J. Vardimore, S. Hatzakis, D. Sotiriou, K. Tsioukas, L. Kaklea, Th. Papakonstantinou, A. Foniadakis, Ch. Badeka, A. Novitska, S. Mavragani, Ch. Kousios, Chr. Papadopoulos and M. Trikka. She has participated in projects at the National Theater of Greece, the National Opera, the National Theater of Northern Greece, Οnassis Foundation and the Athens Festival. As a dance teacher and choreographer, she is actually involved in educational workshops at the Megaron (Athens Music Hall), the female Correctional Facilities in Koridallos and Thebes (sponsored by the Niarchos Foundation), and in various support centers for both adult and juniors migrants and refugees.

Alexis Tsiamoglou (1981) holds a BA in Geology (Earth Science) from Aristotle University (GR). He completed acting studies at the Drama Research Centre of Thessaloniki and then studied at the Professional Dance Schools of Rallou Manou in Athens and of Kafantari in Thessaloniki.
Since 2008 he has worked with choreographers and dance companies as Christos Papadopoulos, Margarita Trikka, Artemis Lampiri, Sinequanon, Default, Robyn Schulkowsky, 50 Collective and Lia Tsolaki.
As a danser he was chosen by David Zambano to be part of his 50 days project in Costa Rica with 50 dancers from all over the world and continents. He has danced extensively participating in many productions for the most significant institutions in Greece as the National Theatre, Athens and Epidaurus Festival, Onassis Cultural Centre, Megaron-Athens Concert Hall and other. The last two years he has been touring extensively in Europe with Papadopoulos’ “ION”.
In 2019 he was commisioned from MOMus Museum of Contemporary Art to create the choreographic installation “Possi(ball)ities” for the 7th Bienalle of Thessaloniki.
He has been awarded with an ICK—Amsterdam (Emio Greco) fellowship in order to participate to the SPAZIO program 2013-2014 for new contemporary dance choreographers. His own work “Encounter” and “Crossroads” has been presented in the Athens Videodance Festival, the Re:Act Festival in Greece and the International Contemporary Dance Festival in Bari, Italy.
His latest work “Requiem – a choreographed portrait” has been presented in Athens, Thessaloniki and Larisa.
In 2013 he featured in the film “Fabric of Time” of Miky Ambrozy which won the Wild Card Award in the International short film Festival in Leuven.
As a video artist he has produced short dance films and promotional material for theatre and dance companies. His film “Silent mourning” was screened in festivals in Athens, Stockholm, Thessaloniki, Japan and Brazil.
He has given workshops on contemporary dance and improvisation classes in Italy, Turkey, Hungary, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Bulgaria and Greece. Since 2008 he is coaching groups of young people on how to create their own dance projects and performances, in the framework of the EU “Youth in Action” and “Erasmus+” program. These works are being presented in public spaces, prisons, senior houses and cultural centers.

Η Άρτεμις Φλέσσα σπούδασε θέατρο στη σχολή του Θεάτρου Τέχνης Κάρολου Κουν.
Από το 2011 δουλεύει σαν σκηνογράφος – ενδυματολολόγος.
Έχει κάνει τα σκηνικά και τα κοστούμια για τις παραστάσεις:
῾Εξημέρωση῾῾ (Στέγη του Ιδρύματος Ωνάση) σε σκηνοθεσία Γεωργίας Μαυραγάνη,
“Ευμενιδες (Ορέστεια)” (Εθνικό Θέατρο) σε σκηνοθεσία Γεωργίας Μαυραγάνη,
“Το ξύπνημα της άνοιξης” (θέατρο του Νέου Κόσμου) σε σκηνοθεσία Δημήτρη Καραντζα,
“A punch of losers” ( Στέγη Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών) σε χορογραφία Μαργαρίτας Τρίκκα,
“Νεολιθική νυχτωδία στην Κρονστάνδη” (Bios) σε σκηνοθεσία Άρη Μπαλή,
“Η εξέγερση της μύτης” (Κ.Θ.Β.Ε.) σε σκηνοθεσία Φούλη Μπουντούρογλου,
“Ο τυχερός στρατιώτης” (Θ.Ο.Κ.) σε σκηνοθεσία Γεωργίας Μαυραγάνη,
“Παρ’ όλα αυτά” ( Θέατρο Από Μηχανής) σε σκηνοθεσία Γεωργίας Μαυραγάνη,
“Δον Κιχώτης” ( Θέατρο Από Μηχανής) σε σκηνοθεσία Ταξιάρχη Χάνου,
“Με δύναμη από τη Κηφισιά” ( Θέατρο του Νέου Κόσμου) σε σκηνοθεσία Δημήτρη Καραντζά,
“Ξαφνικά πέρυσι το καλοκαίρι” (Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών) σε σκηνοθεσία Γεωργίας Μαυραγάνη,
“Γκιακ” (Κ.Θ.Β.Ε.) σε σκηνοθεσία Γεωργίας Μαυραγάνη,
“Οι αναστατώσεις του οικότροφου Τέρλες” (Θέατρο Πόρτα) σε σκηνοθεσία Γεωργίας Μαυραγάνη,
“Το Γηρας” (Πειραματική Σκηνή Εθνικού Θεάτρου) σε σκηνοθεσία Γεωργίας Μαυραγάνη,
“Όχι Αθώος πια” (Στέγη Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών), σε σκηνοθεσία Γεωργίας Μαυραγάνη,
“Η Ιστορία του Κοντορεβυθούλη αλλιώς” ( Θέατρο Κινητήρας) σε σκηνοθεσία ομάδας Τσόκαρα,
“Η Αλίκη είχε αρχίσει να βαριέται..” (Θέατρο Θησείο) σε σκηνοθεσία ομάδας Τσόκαρα,
“Ο Γύρος του Κόσμου σε 80 μέρες” (ΔΗ.ΠΕ.ΘΕ. Καλαμάτας) σε σκηνοθεσία Κλεώνης Φλέσσα,
“Ο Έφορος και οι Κόρες” (Θέατρο του Νεου Κόσμου) σε σκηνοθεσία Κλεώνης Φλέσσα,
“Γραπτά Ίχνη” (Ιστορικό Αρχείο Τράπεζας Πειραιώς) σε σκηνοθεσία Αλέξανδρου Λυκούρα,
“Trajectory: A Tragedy of a Victory” (ARC FOR DANCE festival) σε χορογραφία Μ. Τρίκκα.

Lia Chamilothori was born in Athens on 1985, she graduated from Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), while she was an athlete of rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics. After that, she studied dance in Professional Dance school Rallou Manou.
On 2011 she was awarded a scholarship by Onasis Cultural Foundation in artistic and technical improvement in Brussels, Belgium ( Danscentrum Jette), where she attended for two years several workshops of contemporary dance and improvisation.
As a dancer she has worked with several dance companies, not only in Greece but also abroad ( Ki omos kineitai, Prolet OCD dance co, Kinitiras dancetheater, Creo dance co, Carmen Blanco Principal etc) . Furthermore, she worked as an assistant choreographer in Fora etc company and she was a founding member of the European project “ home@home”.
Since 2013 she gives classes of contemporary dance and acrobatics while she is graduating from the department of Spanish Literature and Philology.